Why A Cup of Tea is an Important Part of Breastfeeding Support

picture of tea and biscuits

I am hot cup of tea & a yummy biscuit (I can be decaf or provide an often needed caffeine boost!), I can be substituted with coffee or a glass of water.

I am a very important part of CBA, I am offered after parents have sat down & often very welcomed! At home, so many new parents don’t get around to enjoying me hot… or finished… that’s if they even get the chance to make me!

So when I reach your hands, you might let out a grateful sigh as you sip me. If you’re juggling a little wriggler, we have straws available so someone else can hold your drink but you still get to enjoy it.

So many places wave their health & safety flags when it comes to the combination of hot drinks & babies, but it has been discussed in our trustees meetings & concluded that the value of the need for us to be available to you outweighs the risks (which of course are taken into account & safety is priority at every session).

You can have as many of us as you would like, we are free with our love!

By our wonderful volunteer Anna Richardson